August 1, 2008

The Final Out-come for Assigment 2.

Phew, this sure takes a lot of hard work, especially to draw the out line of the sketches. So, I hope no one will copy this idea. Warning: (Any copying or similar illustration may result in the students getting an automatic "0" mark. NO PLAGERISM) ...®

Summary for tools used:
  1. Pen tool: To draw line in any direction and to create any irregular shape.
  2. Live paint bucket: To fill in particular colour/gradient in a selected area.
  3. Selection tool: To select a patch for multi pupose such as resize, copy, move and grouping and much more.
  4. Direct selection tool: To select a small edge or dot in a patch for editing the shape.
  5. Brushes: To draw line and to create shape.
  6. Gradient tool: To set the colour differences in a selected patch.
What I had learned:
  1. To use layer and patches (including grouping) to arrange the picture.
  2. To use pen tool in a better way instead of just joining dot to dot. For example to make curve and to join 2 difference patches.

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